Mark Lavin purchased an existing building in Sioux Falls where he is expanding his dental practice of periodontics. Participating in financing Dr. Lavin’s expansion were First Premier Bank of Sioux Falls and First District Development Company with the SBA 504 loan program.
Dr. Lavin graduated from the University of Nebraska Medical Center— College of Dentistry specializing in periodontics, which involves diagnosing, preventing and treating gum disease. He began his practice in 2006 through referrals in the Sioux Falls area and outgrew his leased location. The purchase of his new building has allowed Dr. Lavin room for growth and the ability to gain equity for his business as he now owns his commercial real estate.
With his new location set up for his periodontics practice, Dr. Lavin has positioned his business for efficiency—maintaining a better work environment for improved patient flow. By taking advantage of the SBA 504 program for the purchase and remodel of this commercial property, Mark T. Lavin, DDS, P.C. received the lowest SBA 504 rate on record over the history of the program and this rate is fixed for 20 years. In addition, Dr. Lavin projects to increase employment at his practice, providing a positive impact for the economy with seven new jobs over the next few years.
Dr. Mark T. Lavin specializes in the area of connective tissue grafting, a procedure designed to treat areas where significant recession of gum tissues has occurred. Treatment of periodontitis, cosmetic procedures to aesthetically enhance a patient’s smile and dental implant placement to replace missing teeth are also included in Dr. Lavin’s range of services. Comfortable with his new location at 3400 East 26th Street in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, without a doubt, Dr. Lavin will be seeing many more years of smiles with his SBA 504 financing package!