Spring marks the timing of new projects and new growth! In the small business world, those two developments require capital. If your lending institution is unable to fulfill your small business client’s request due to the dollar amount of their project, consider partnering with FDDC via the SBA 504 loan program –
>> $5 million maximum 504 loan amount (this maximum includes the aggregate of all outstanding SBA balances of the small business concern, including its affiliates)
>> $5.5 million maximum 504 loan amount per eligible energy public policy project
>> $5.5 million maximum 504 loan amount per small manufacturer project
By partnering with FDDC via the SBA 504 loan program, you will be able to tackle larger sized projects while safely being in a 1st lien position – and lending only 50% of the project cost.
To learn more, please call FDDC at 605-882-5115.