Fixing What We Can…

…Interest Rates!

Don’t leave your small business clients in a more vulnerable state than they need to be. By working with FDDC on an SBA 504 loan, you can guarantee your client a low fixed interest rate on 30-40% of their project costs.

While 504 rates remain at historical lows, remedy some situations for your business clients…

  • 90% financing allows for preservation of cash for working capital.
  • Long term loan with at or below market fixed interest rate provides for a stabilized and affordable debt service repayment over the long haul.
  • Saving money and building equity is what your client will be doing by being able to come up with the easy 10% equity injection to get out of their renting situation and into ownership of their building.

    Call your experienced SBA 504 Certified Development Company – FDDC to find solutions for your commercial customers.